We have switched the ministry from Mexico to Honduras! The medical missions to rural Mexico, which were sponsored through TIME for Christ, has stopped as it is too unsafe to face the drug cartels along the rural highways. You can follow what is happening in Mexico by visiting the website, www.timeforchristministries.org.
All the information below is from our last trips but Mexico is no longer an option through TIME for Christ Global Ministries.
Information about TIME Global:
TIME for Christ Medical Ministries is where I was first introduced to mission work. I have been going with this team for more than 27 years, and it was on the first trip that I met wonderful friends who helped me develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a family oriented program and my wife and all of my children have repeatedly made these trips with me. As a result, our family has become clearly Christ centered.
Regarding Honduras, I am always asked, "Is it safe?" First, I am not a hero. I wouldn't go if it wasn't safe. I love bringing my family. This year (2011) I brought my 12 and 14 year old granddaughters and my daughter and her husband along with my wife! Believe me, I would never do this if it wasn't safe!
Unlike the other medical mission trips on this website, we are not going into major medical centers and teaching the teachers. We go to small, rural Honduran villages where medical care is generally not available. The goal is simple: Create long waiting lines by providing high quality, free medical/dental care, and the missionaries can then walk among the waiting people. Evangelism is the core idea and usually churches are planted.
The second week of the trip is the surgical/dental portion. Surgically, we need Anesthesiology, CRNAs, General Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, OB-Gyn, and other specialties, Surgical Nurses, Techs . Medically, we need Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Radiology and others. PA's, PNP's, FNP's are a perfect match for this trip! Dentists, Oral Surgeons and hygenists are important. We always need Audiology.
The team is approximately 75 for the first week and 50 for the second week. We need good people from all over the USA and Canada. Half of the team are medical professionals and the other half are people genuinely desiring to serve. We need drivers, maintenance, people to help in the kitchen and pharmacy, translators and more. We have no age limits for children but I feel age 12 is probably the youngest that would really gain a lot from such an experience.
The cost for the trip is just under $2000 for one week and if you go two weeks, the extra cost will be less than $500.
Be prepared to meet some of the most wonderful people you will ever encounter. You will make eternal friendships! Below is the application and contact information. You will love it! :o)
If you think you are not cut out for Missions... read below! Two fun testimonies (and below that is the application to go! :o)
Medical Missions - You're Kidding, Right?
“You're taking the kids on a medical missions trip? How could they
possibly help with that?” The incredulous outburst from a well-meaning
friend made me face the fact that I had no medical background either. If I
needed a pain killer I would look at the vast array of bottles with their
bold promises of relief and pick the cheapest one, of course. A bargain
always made me feel better.
“Well”, I stammered, “they say there are all sorts of jobs. Maintenance,
counting pills, cooking, cleaning, unloading vehicles . . . “ my voice
trailed off as I wondered privately if they could even do one of those jobs
adequately. Sure they did their chores, but actually counting on kids 12,
14, and 15 years of age to work a nine hour day? For ten straight days?
On the other hand, I wanted the kids to experience that they can serve God
at any age, that love has no borders, that smiles speak all languages, and
that being part of the body of Christ is more than just a great Bible
verse. Off we went with people we mostly didn't know to a mountain town
whose name we couldn't pronounce.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring Good News.
Prayer, inspiring messages and bilingual choruses started our days with
praise. We watched as Mexican nationals partnered with us in evangelism.
We saw glasses which had been carefully collected over the year go into
grateful hands. We watched translators and doctors sit for hours on hard
wooden chairs struggling with new words and foreign ailments. Pharmacists
and Co. counted pills in two languages to bring relief and healing.
Dentists pulled teeth and proved that happy smiles are those that don't
hurt any more. Lab technicians swirled blood and analyzed substances most
people won't even talk about. The post-op team worked around the clock,
successfully finding ways to help babies breathe and people rest
comfortably without the availability of standard equipment. Skilled
surgeons gave us a glimpse into their lives. We watched as they mended
bones, operated on hernias, rebuilt cleft palates and stitched patients
back together again. They became people just like us. People grateful for
a good meal prepared and cleaned up by the kitchen staff. People thankful
for a cot brought in on repaired vehicles. People in need of a bath
provided for them by Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ.
In addition to watching we helped as we were able. I worked in X-Ray and
was patiently taught how to position people for best results. My twelve
year old boy escorted patients to various departments so they could get
their treatments. He became adept at blowing up gloves to make balloons
and hand to scared or bored children. My daughters weighed and took the
blood pressures and pulse of about 3,000 people before directing them to
the clinic. They unloaded box after box of supplies and still had energy to
play soccer afterwards. They had ample opportunity to practice their
limited Spanish. I thought they knew that “Cuanto cuesta “? meant “How
much?” but now I'm not so sure. It seems they thought it meant something
like “I'm starving and those tacos sure look good so I don't care what the
answer is I forget the conversion rate anyway and besides it’s my mom’s
money so it really doesn't matter what the price is and could you throw in
a manzanilla drink and some bunuelos while you're at it?’
I'm so glad for the vision Time For Christ has of bringing healing to both
the body and the soul. For being a family oriented group that is willing
to model for and mentor the next generation. I'm grateful to people who
give of their money so this ministry can continue and to those who sent us.
Thank you all for showing us your beautiful feet. They come in all colors,
sizes, professions and even (gasp!) all ages.
“Tyranny of the Urgent”
Patty Lundblade
That familiar phrase popped into my mind and brought a smile to my face as I reflected on our recent mission trip to Coyutla, Mexico. You see, I almost missed the tremendous blessing of this trip due to the “tyranny of the urgent.” It was in college, that I first read the little InterVarsity Press booklet that warned me, as a committed Christian, to be careful to focus on the important matters in life and make them priorities, lest the urgent things crowd them out. It was a struggle, even at that time, to daily place time with the Lord, prayer, and meditation over a few more minutes of studying for that chemistry exam. Needless to say, I’ve reread that pamphlet more than a few times since, and have had to be reminded of its truths over and over.
As a single mother with three kids, a dog, two pharmacy jobs and a full schedule, I hardly batted an eye when my oldest son Kirk asked me about going on a mission trip to Mexico over Christmas. It was early November and I was busily planning a remodeling job on the downstairs of our home for Thanksgiving break. After that, the Christmas rush would begin, and December 2005 would soon vanish from the calendar. No way could we go on a mission trip in December! He asked again the following week, telling me that his best friend, Ryan Anthony, and his entire family were planning to go with the T.I.M.E for Christ group. Then, my friend Claudia Moore happened to ask me as well. That did get my attention, as I had prayed for and supported this group off and on for many years. I had even asked God to let me go on a trip with them. Someday. When the kids are grown and life settles down, that’s when you’ll let me go, right God? When there is plenty of money in the bank account and I’m more organized with all the Christmas shopping, etc. Right?
I was in the middle of a kick boxing class at the gym, my mind reeling with all that needed to be done, when the spiritual lightning bolt struck. Patty, why can’t you go on this trip? Isn’t it important for your children to learn about missions now, while they’re still at home? Wouldn’t spending Christmas Day on a mission trip really reflect what Christmas is all about more than wrapping and unwrapping expensive presents? WOW! The important, not the urgent, Patty! OK, Lord, I smiled, as I kicked a bit harder. I get it. This is the perfect time to go on a mission trip!
Fast forward one month and countless hours of preparation and we were on our way! The trip was incredible-- inspiring, exhausting, addicting! The journey there and back was long, but fun, as we were confined to a van with our dear, crazy friends, the Anthony’s. In Coyutla, I learned a lot from the pros—Rick, the most patient, caring pharmacist I think I’ve ever worked with, who tolerated me as well as the flock of kids that followed me into the pharmacy. All the doctors and nurses were approachable, encouraging, and caring, even when they were exhausted! I was awed by the incredible spirit of cooperation that permeated the caravan. The very fact that the entire operation was assembled so quickly from the hodge podge of boxes and equipment underscored the fact that it was God’s work that was being done. I gained a new appreciation for missionaries, as I visited with Ken, Pat, Dave and Cheryl and as I read the Puckett’s book about the years they spent in Mecatlan.
I was touched by the gratitude of the villagers who traveled so far and waited in line so long to be treated by the caravan. I observed my own children: Kirk, Alina, and Christopher (16, 14 and 11 at the time), working more or less diligently and actually enjoying it! I asked each one if they wanted to come again. Their replies brought joy to my heart---“Of course!”, “Next year!”, ”Absolutely!” We returned to San Antonio a different family. Miraculously, the bills were all paid, the house was almost clean, and we were now grateful for little things, like flushing toilet paper. The Christmas cards had not been sent, only a few presents were bought and wrapped, the cookies weren’t baked, but the important had been accomplished. What had seemed urgent a month before, no longer mattered. We had in some small way, played a part in the healing of lives, the winning of souls, the work of the Lord. What a blessing!
T.I.M.E. Medical Ministries
613 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 680
San Antonio, TX 78216-5501
Fax: 210-377-3705
Email: [email protected]
Applications and money are due one month prior to the trip.
PAYMENT: $2000 per person.
Make checks payable to T.I.M.E. for Christ Medical Ministries.
Name: ____________________________________________________ Birth Date: _________________
Street Address: ____________________________________H/P_________________W/P___________
E-Mail Address___________________________________Cell__________________________________
(Please print CAREFULLY as this it is very important, as email will be our primary source of communication.)
Denomination_______________________________Member of What Church? ________________________________
Present Occupation_____________________________________________________________________
Where would you like to participate: (Mark 1 for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd, etc.)
1. clinic_____ 5. dentistry_____ 9. x-ray____ 13.adult evangelism_______
2. surgery____ 6. laboratory____ 10. pre-op_____ 14.child evangelism_______
3. kitchen____ 7. sanitation____ 11. post-op/recovery____ 15.runner________________
4.pharmacy___ 8. interpreter___ 12. electrical/maintenance__ 16.other _________________
Please describe any special qualifications enabling you to perform in the marked areas:
Do you have knowledge of Spanish? a) none; b)understand but can’t speak; c) speak a little;
d) fluent
Are you willing to drive a truck or van? ___________________________________________
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, whom do we contact?
Name Address Phone
Name Address Phone
Do you play a musical instrument? What is it? Would you be willing to bring it and participate in the worship times? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever been on a previous caravan? ___Yes ___No If “yes", when? __________________
Are you a Bible teaching teacher? __________________
Please complete the following questions for our files.
Are you a Christian? ________ How long have you been a Christian? _____________________
What is your basis for believing you are a Christian?
Why do you wish to participate on a TIME Medical Ministries caravan? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any major health problems? ________________________________________________________________
Are you on any narcotic medication? __________Is so, what and for what reason? ________________________________
Please read the attached purposes and guidelines and sign below. Retain the guidelines for future reference. Mail this page and your check T.I.M.E. for Christ, Inc.
TIME Medical Ministries
613 NW Loop 410, Suite 680
San Antonio, TX 78216-5501
Date: ______________________________________________
*Your signature indicates that you agree with the following statement of purposes, objectives, personal behavior and qualifications for the ministry and will not hold the ministry responsible for any accident or injury while on
The caravan.
Purposes and Objectives of the TIME Medical Ministries:
The major purpose of TIME Medical Ministries is to evangelize the people of a pre-selected area of Honduras to enhance, support, and advance the missionary, local pastor and other evangelical workers. To achieve this we use medicine, medical, and dental care as tools to reach the people of the area with the intent of sharing the gospel. To meet the purposes of the ministry, caravan participants must submit to TIME Medical Ministry authority.
Official guidelines of T.I.M.E. for Christ Medical Ministries
A. Prospective caravan participants must submit and sign an official T.I.M.E. for Christ application form.
B. As the people to whom we minister have lived for generations synchronized with superstition and tradition. As our caravan participants are of many different denominations, we practice only basic Scriptural truths which relate to salvation. These truths are:
1. The Holy Bible as the infallible, inspired Word of God, the final authority in faith and life
2. The Deity of Christ
3. The virgin birth and miracles of Christ
4. Christ’s substitutionary death as payment for our sins
5. Christ’s physical resurrection, ascension into heaven, and imminent return
C. We believe that man is sinful and lost; is saved instantaneously solely by the power of the Holy Spirit when the repentant sinner responds in faith. This salvation is available by grace through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, and not on the basis of human works.
D. To avoid confusion no activities apart from accepted evangelical beliefs different from the T.I.M.E. for Christ Medical
Ministries may be promoted or practiced on a caravan. We cannot practice doctrinal or theological matters, which may be one’s personal preference, which include teaching as:
1. Atonement healing 2. Sign gifts 3. Speaking in tongues
E. The use of tobacco or alcohol is prohibited.
F. Drug or marijuana users will not be accepted as caravan participants. Illicit drug or alcohol users will not be accepted as caravan participants.
G. All caravan participants must submit to T.I.M.E. for Christ authority.
H. Any individual who violates these rules will be subject to being sent home.
We must remember everything we do is a witness to those we are there to evangelize. If our dress, appearance or behavior does not honor the Lord, then it is wrong. The campsite director is the final authority for behavioral problems.
The caravan director will give information concerning picture taking. Pictures may not be taken in posted areas, for commercial purposes or for adverse publicity.
A. Requests for applications must be verbalized by May 1 for a summer caravan and by Oct. 1 for a winter caravan. Positions may be filled before this deadline. Completed application forms and commitments must be submitted by
December 3 and the fee is due at the time of application, unless otherwise arranged.
B. Applicants will be notified as soon as possible after the application is received as to their acceptance for a needed position for that particular caravan.