Welcome to TIME for Christ Global Ministries. This website is designed to tell you about evangelically based surgical missionary opportunities and to encourage you to be involved with us either by prayer, participation or support.
Below is the schedule of mission opportunities for 2025 and beyond for about a dozen trips.
There is also information on how you can donate to the mission work through our 501(c)3 status. We will use 100% of all funds donated to sponsor those without whom we truly cannot conduct a successful surgical mission trip. We need financial support for surgical technologists, nurses and assistants, audiologists, pastors and translators; these wonderful people usually cannot afford the costs of the trip. There are NO administrative expenses for this ministry as our BOD and my wife and I cover these expenses ourselves from our personal giving. 100% goes to what you want it to go for.
Let us know if you need the Tax ID #. The address for donations is:
3027 Split Rock Circle
Bulverde TX 78163 USA
In 2025-26, we will support trips to Honduras, Cuba and Vietnam.
There are two trips each year on consecutive weeks in late July and early August:
1) Last week of July, 2025 (Saturday to Saturday). This is a multi-specialty surgical trip. We may have Gen Surg, OB-Gyn, ENT, Ortho, and Dental/Oral Surg operating in the expanded mission hospital with 4 beautiful operating rooms, a delivery room, a minor room and a new dental clinic.. We will require Anesthesiologists/CRNA’s, nurses of any specialty and assistants (we will take medical nurses & assistants as well), and surgical techs. We also love to have Audiologists plus volunteers to help. A portion of the team will go out to the area villages each day to offer clean water, food, shoe and clothing. When we have volunteers, we can have eye glass ministry, audiology with solar rechargeable hearing aids, evangelism and other necessary support. We will have a group of retired surgeons who join this team but if they have been out of practice for more than 18 months, they can only assist a USA licensed surgeon. The team stays in the Guaimaca Mission Hospital dorms, which has clean, drinkable water and hot showers. Towels, sheets and pillows are provided. All Honduran surgical patients will come to this Mission Hospital. This is a great team to bring high school and college students as volunteers.
3) In 2026, the trips will again be the last week of July and first week of August.
Spouses and older children are welcome and encouraged to come on any of the two trips. This is a wonderful program for teenage youth and college age with a developing interest in health care careers.
Special request regarding Honduras. Many of you want to go but can’t at this time. From you, we have two other extremely important needs. First, we need prayer support. Having prayer warriors is invaluable. Second, we need to take a large number of surgical techs, nurses of all types, audiologists, translators and people to run the autoclaves, scrub and wrap instruments, etc. Most all of these people cannot afford the $2000+ for a trip to Honduras. Please consider a donation to help us offer scholarships for the necessary support personnel. See the address below.
Send 100% tax deductible contributions to:
TIME Global (checks can be made out to TIME Global)
c/o Mrs. Scotta Williams
3027 Split Rock Circle
Bulverde, TX 78163
210 317 9998
Suggested purpose directed giving could be:
- $125 supplies a solar rechargeable hearing aid for the severely hearing impaired. Our primary focus is children but we give to any age.
- $100 supplies enough prescription glasses to be given freely on a typical one week trip.
- $500 is our usual “scholarship” to help surgical support personnel who, like other missionaries, are trying to raise their own support.
- $2000 typically covers the total expense of one surgical tech or pastor.
There will be at least two teams going to Vietnam in 2025-26. For more information contact:
- Dr. Randy Otto, [email protected]. While this will be multi-specialty, Randy will concentrate on Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology.
- Dr. Brent Senior, [email protected], whose team goes late winter to early spring.
- Dr. Craig Hedges, [email protected], leads a team to Vietnam each year as well as the trip to Nepal.
- An OB-Gyn team typically goes in January, every year. This is a good group of people from all over the USA. They welcome you to join. The team leader is Dr. Mickey Smith, [email protected].
- The Pediatric team, with several Peds Surgeons and Peds Medical Specialists, go at various times of the year. The team leader is Dr. Austin Raunikar, [email protected].
- The Family Practice team typically goes in the fall. Dr. Dan Mitchell, who currently lives and works in Vietnam, is the team leader, [email protected]
- The Nursing team is filled with clinical nurses, educators and operating room nurses. Goehner Elaine is the team leader, [email protected].
- The Dental team is lead by Dr. Jim Sandlin, [email protected]. Contact Jim for more information.
- There are other teams (Hematology, small business, agriculture, vet med., etc.). Learn more at www.reivn.org. These trips are repeated every year.
The Vietnam trips are multi-specialty teams with the availability of having all types of surgeons and medical doctors, audiologists, nurses, oral surgeons, dentists, etc., etc. Typically, the first week is in Hanoi and the second week in HoChiMinh City (Saigon District). The weekend between will be spent at a fun tourist location somewhere in Vietnam. Yes, you can do just one week, if you desire. This is a great trip for families/spouses. My wife is non-medical and goes most years. There’s plenty of time for sightseeing and shopping! Cost is around $5000 for the doctor and $4000 for other family members. This fluctuates with the cost of airplane fuel.
Our surgical team will go Nov, 2025. Two additional non-surgical teams will go in May and Nov each year. The surgical team will take surgeons and spouses, but the other two teams will take medical doctors, dentists, audiologists, spouses, pastors and volunteers. Volunteers include people interested in sharing their faith to inpatients including children. A typical trip will cost $2600 that is inclusive of most expenses but not including the flight from your home to Havana and return. Our trips each year are amazingly successful both surgically and spiritually.
Nepal. This trip will be similar to Vietnam with teaching at the medical school hospital. The team will arrange touring in the Himalaya's and the organizing team is planning on taking spouses. The cost is unknown at this time. Craig Hedges expects this team to go in Oct/Nov each year. The Nepalese really want him to bring an interventional cardiologist. 2014 was the first trip to Nepal.
Jordan. ON HOLD: I went to Jordan in 2012 & 2013 and the invitation to return is open. We will do this in a manner similar to Vietnam and Nepal and, with touring the Holy Land as a major part of the experience. This is a wonderful family trip and I took my wife and a daughter on each trip. The hotels are first class, safe and comfortable. No future trip is planned unless I hear from several of you.
Israel - ON HOLD: If you are interested let us know. We couldn’t get ANYONE to go recently because of obvious feelings of unsafety. Those of you potentially interested should contact me, and we can get together and work out a good date. This will be a multi-specialty medical and tourist team! This trip will focus on working with our specialty specific colleagues at the medical school in Beer Sheva for 4-5 days then 6-7 days of touring the Holy Lands with unbelievable guides!
Romania: ON HOLD: On Feb 27, 2015, the team flew to Bucharest, Romania, then drove to a mountain village of 20,000 where surgical care has become hopeless. The two well equipped hospitals have no anesthesiologists and the surgeon’s skills are dwindling. They are pleased that we brought Anesthesia and Surgeons to offer teaching and support to re-establish their skills. Our hosts were an evangelical church from Cluj and Cru-Romania (Campus Crusade for Christ). They provided translators, evangelism, medicines and helped support our team.
These trips take a lot of planning, so even learning of your possible interest as soon as possible is helpful. I hope to hear from you soon.
In His Service, David
Email: [email protected]
The photo above is my wife and me in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem on one of our unique mission trips! What a memory!
Many of you are not able to join us on one of our trips, but your participation with us through prayer is greatly appreciated. The power of such support is awesome. Several of you have requested information how you could support someone who couldn't go without financial support. Let me know, and I can get your support to them, anonymously, if desired.
Others of you would like to join us, so look on the left screen, "Mission Opportunities," to read more about our various experiences in Honduras, Cuba, Romania, Vietnam, etc.
We've joined forces in Cuba with the Medical Education International (MEI) arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Association (www.CMDA.org), Honduras with the Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International (www.bmdmi.org). TIME's is www.timeforchristministries.org but the best and most current information is by contacting our Executive Director, Mrs. Scotta Williams at [email protected].
Feel free to recruit! Our door is open!
In His Grace, David